Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ramadan Fables

We arrived home from the states a few days ago and have been wiped out because of the jet lag.  My husband had to start working day 1 and I of course had to get to the grocery store so I piled the kids in the car and thought I would be as respectful as possible since it is Ramadan and cover my hair.  I get out of the car and it is really windy and sandy and dusty and well, upon the first step out of the car the scarf blows off my head and my hair is all over the place and I am OVER being in Saudi during Ramadan.  

We go into the store and as we are shopping I am feeling extremely thirsty.  I don't know if it was the change in climate or if I just had been bad about hydrating with all of the traveling but my daughter and I walk past the juices and I think, 

"Humm, maybe I'll just open a small juice and pay for it when I get to the counter"  

Which by the way, I never do!!  

I grab the juice, turn down the isle, open the juice, and bring the bottle to my lips. As I am almost feeling the relief of the juice on my tongue it hits me: 


So I quickly pull the bottle from my lips and try to hide behind the shopping cart.  I actually ducked!  I don't think that worked so well. I ask my daughter, 

"Did anybody see me?"

She said no, but I went through the rest of the grocery store not making eye contact with anybody, feeling extremely dumb, and trying to get out of there as quickly as possible.  Then I came home and turned on youtube so I could learn how to tie a scarf on my head properly.

Welcome back to Saudi!

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